my flying watch

过去十八岁 没戴表 不过有时间 够我 没有后顾 野性贪玩
When I was 18, I didn’t wear a watch, but I had the time

霎眼廿七岁 时日无多方不敢偷懒
In the blink of an eye I turned 27, and I can’t afford to waste time slacking off anymore

宏愿纵未了 奋斗总不太晚
I haven’t fulfilled my dream,s but it’s never too late to start

然后突然今秋 望望身边 应该有 已尽有
And then suddenly this autumn, I looked around and I had everything I should have

我的美酒 跑车 相机 金表 也讲究
My fine wines, sports cars, cameras, gold watches and I was being picky

直到世间 个个也妒忌 仍不怎么富有
So much that I could make everyone in the world jealous, yet I don’t feel rich

用我尚有 换我没有 其实已用尽所拥有
Use what I had remaining to exchange for what I didn’t have, but in fact I’ve already used up all my possessions

曾付出 几多心跳

How many heartbeats have you sacrificed to exchange for a stack of bills.

人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
Is it worthwhile for people to give up a few seconds in their lives to buy one more watch

秒速 捉得紧了
Whilst grasping the seconds more tightly, our skin are secretly loosening

为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要
Why do we have to use up everything, to realize which is more important

活着多好 不需要 靠物证
也不以高薪 高职 高级品 搏尊敬
Hardwork is never-ending, surviving is so good, without the need for relying on material proof. We don’t need a high salary, a high position, or luxury goods in order to earn respect either

就算搏到 伯爵那地位 和萧邦的隽永
Even if you earn the position of an earl, or the meaningfulness of Chopin

卖了任性 日拼夜拼 忘掉了为甚么高兴
Sold your self-indulgence, working day and night, forgetting why you are happy

曾付出 几多心跳
人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
Is it worthwhile for people to give up a few seconds in their lives to buy one more watch

秒速 捉得紧了
While grasping the seconds more tightly, our skin are secretly loosening

为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要
Why do we have to use up everything, to realize which is more important

Remember that lesson I learned about time, you turn back and it is already dark

You’ve contributed ten inches of hours and minutes, does it mean you exchange it for ten inches of gold?

还剩低 几多心跳
连自己 亦都分析不了 得到多与少
How many heartbeats have I left?
My face reflected in the surface of my crystal watch
To the point where I can’t even work out, whether I have gained or lost?

也许 真的疯了
那个倒影 多么可笑
灵魂若变卖了 上链也没心跳
Perhaps I am really insane, that shadow is so ridiculous. If one’s soul is sold, rewinding won’t bring back the heartbeats

银或金 都不紧要
谁造机芯 一样了
计划了 照做了 得到了 时间却太少
Silver or gold, doesn’t matter
Whatever my watch is made of, it is all the same
I planned, executed, achieved… yet there is not enough time

还剩低 几多心跳
还在数 赶不及了
How many heartbeats I have left. Still counting, I am out of time

昂贵是这刻 我觉悟了
在时计里 看破一生 渺渺
The most precious is this moment, I have realized.
Through this watch I’ve watched this life, how negligible it is