What is Wealth

What is wealth?

Wealth is self-entertainment, human’s collective self-entertainment.

If you are a god, the entire history of humanity is just a blink of an eye for you, then how would you see mankind?

You will think, humans are just like children, they like to build castles with sand, but no matter how big of a castle they built up, soon enough the coming tide will wash away everything.

That is the fate of everyone. Everyone is the kid on the beach:

He was so excited when he finished building the castle. He was so excited just like when Jack was holding Rose and screaming “I am the King of the World!”

At that moment he thought he had the world.

The most important word was “thought,” not “had.”

You think you are rich, that means you are rich in heart; if everyone thinks you’re rich, then are you really objectively rich?

What about from a dog’s point of view? What difference does a dog see from Elon Musk and a beggar?

Who is richer? How a dog perieves wealth is different from your, from the cats’, or the rats’.

Only humans are the special ones that enjoy self-entertainment.

Now that you have a better understanding of wealth. How can we increase our wealth?

We need to increase our self-entertainment. The more “drugged” we are, the more wealthier we get.

Things on Earth always stay on the earth. That is why the Earth won’t understand why we are obsessed with wealth. He doesn’t understand why large stones by nature are not wealth, humans have to pile them up as a pyramid then the stone becomes wealth; raw small stones aren’t wealth, only carved stones are wealth.

Because the Earth knows no matter how high humans can pile stones, eventually gravity will pull the stones back to the ground; how matter what people carved on the smaller stones, the air will eventually erode the surface.

But we value pyramids and carved stones because our lives are short. We think dancing around the pyramids could be as high as Jack holding Rose at Titanic.

In the early hunting and gathering days, we could only get a low dosage of “highs.” At most we could draw a few paintings on the cave. Even so, we think caves with paintings are cooler than the bear’s cave which doesn’t have any paintings. This is called wealth.

Then we got into the agricultural age. We started to have cities, armies and war.

Every leader was trying to become the king. Qin’s leader wanted to become the King. Wei’s emperor disagreed. Then Qin’s emperor beat up everyone until everyone showed his respect. He was so excited that everyone then had to call him the King. Then He thought his life was well-spent.

But from other animals’ eyes, those walking monkeys were just drunk. Even people in the primal times would wonder, why we need large city walls. Those walls couldn’t be as warm and comfortable as a cave.

But then we moved to the modern era, we got even more drunk. In the modern times, we only spend a small fraction of our income on food. Instead, we spend most of our money on:

Computers, cell phones, cars, and lots of other “weird” things.

Those are essentially different flavors of “alcohol.” if you look at us from the perspectives of other animals.

For most animals, everything apart from essential food is just alcohol.

That is why we said humans’ experience of life heavily depends on his/her meaning of life.

So how can we increase our wealth?

SWe just need to increase our alcohol ratio.

To live, we only need food and shelter, let that be 1, the numerator. And the amount of “alcohol” is the denominator.

When we started painting in our caves, the ratio became 1:2.

When we built cities, armies, pyramids, tombs, that ratio got to 1:10.

When we had electronic, or the meta-verse, crypto, that ratio rose again got to a new height.

That was why a nft could be sold for millions of dollars.

There was a kind of lifestyle to live a simple life: some people realize they don’t need to have as many advertised materials/meanings. They want to abstain from their alcohol dosage.

But then what would happen?

The economy will collapse. Because collectively we will have less “alcohol.”

We work hard to make money so that we can live; we work hard to spend money so others can live.

This is the game that we are all set to play. We need to keep up with the “alcohol” dosage so our economy and technology can flourish.

We need to continue to re-define wealth, new life styles, like developing the meta-verse. We need to continue to advertise the digital world is important.

Then we can start pooling money to develop the meta-verse, then we develop the meta-verse, then the collective wealth of man-kind can increase once again.

Wealth is nothing but our collective self-entertainment, if too many people agree to live a simple life, then our collective wealth will shrink back to the older times.

From the perspective of the Earth, we created nothing because all the elements and energy in the Earth stayed in the Earth.

We were like the kids on the beach, we needed to build more castles and get more excited.

You can only be successful only if you think you are successful.