What can we do for Yuan Longping

Yuan Longping recently passed away. This is a summary of blogger-trader’s article about Yuan Longping’s passing.

Longping was a scientist who invented high-yield crops. From Qin to Qing, China’s first and last dynasty, China’s crop productivity improved from 20 pounds per Chinese acre(600 sq meters) to 600.

Then Longping yuan invented this high-yield crop technology, increasing yield to 1400 pounds per acre, then 1600, 1900… Last year, the record was pushed to 3000…

All the Chinese dynasties, all the wars, all the tragedies, all started from people not getting enough food or they wanted more food.

Longping “single-handedly” solved the internal conflicts in China with his technology.

Many people once had the dream to change the world, but in the end only very very few people who successfully made an impact.

Everyone had to accept the fact that they were just ordinary people; but also keep in mind that even a piece of toilet paper has its values.

The best way to commemorate Yuan Longping is to be a useful person. Don’t waste any bit of energy from food.

translator’s note

Banning video games for a month so I can spend more time doing more useful things. Can’t spend those times for entertainment either.