
Recently a popular female streamer exposed Mr.Wang’s chat history with her. From the conversation, Mr.Wang was trying so hard to woo her but she “was pushing him off.” (Mr.Wang was the son of the bill-billionaire businessman in China)

I want to only talk about things relevant to our readers.

As a man or woman, are you clear what you want?

Mr.Wang seems like a little boy who wants a piece of candy badly but can’t get it. So he keeps doubling down his effort.

When my son was 3, 4 years old, he loved to watch TV. I would ask him to let me kiss him for the TV remote. Then he actually kissed me. But then I told him he had to kiss me to get the remote. He hesitated a bit but still decided to do it.

But when he was 13, 14 years old he would no longer take this kind of deal.

“Watching TV” was his true love back then, otherwise he won’t give up so much for it, or did lots of things he was unwilling to do for the remote.

But then as he aged, he didn’t really care about TV anymore.

When a man was 4 years old, maybe his “true love” was TV; At 14, his “true love” was video games; at 24, his “true love” was likely the woman he couldn’t get… But when a person becomes mature, all these will change.

He would be able to see what he truly wants in 10, 20 years.

Some people may say Mr.Wang was so immature that he was still playing the 20 year olds game when he was almost 40. But everyone has different needs. Also he was the son of a bill-billionaire. Most of the people couldn’t afford to do things like that.

There is a high opportunity cost of wooing any woman: time and money. Mr.Wang can go to a restaurant, order every single dish and leave, saying “I don’t like any of the dishes.” Can you?

That is why for most people, figuring out what he/she wants in 10, 20 years is extremely important. But most people won’t, they will make the same mistake Mr.Wang made, getting carried away by their desires at the moment.

This doesn’t only apply to relationships but everything in life.

When your colleague or someone ask you to do something insignificant, you could have refused but you give up when he/she frowns a little bit. At that moment, your ship which could have gone to the west, took a little detour.

When you take too many of those detours, you may not even end up where you began.

There are so many of those ships that only spin around the same place, so many people spent their entire life with endless amount of trivial things.

10, 20 years later, they would not remember their initial goals anymore.

Mr.Wang couldn’t give less s*** about anything, but, could you?